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The work Sisters talks about empowered women scattered in space and time. Women who had much in common: perhaps a few lines of character, perhaps the same dream, an eagerness to exist, to want to be visible, free, taken seriously. They are sisters in spirit and thought, and although they never met, they were characterized by dressing in a way to express and express their beliefs to society. The work Sisters collects those textiles so loaded with the experiences of rebellion against patriarchy, and merges them together, creating a single work that collects them all, a garment that tells the story of their courage and strength, unifying them, twinning them, so that finally they will all be together at the end of time.

Sisters in Red _ Foto Secundaria 1.jpg
Sisters in Red _ Foto Secundaria 4.jpg

Title: Sisters in red, 2020
Dimensions: 38cm - 110cm // EU 36 / 38
Composition: Reused garments, mixed material.


Sisters in Red _ Foto de Detalle 2.jpg
Sisters in Red _ Foto Principal.jpg
Sisters in Red _ Foto de Detalle 1.jpg


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2023.10 Alex Ahug Obras Estudio-308.jpg

Title: Sisters in black, 2020
Dimensions: 38cm - 110cm // EU 36 / 38
Composition: Reused garments, mixed material.


2023.10 Alex Ahug Obras Estudio-294.jpg
2023.10 Alex Ahug Obras Estudio-286.jpg
Sisters in Black _ Foto Principal.jpg
For more information contact us by mail or phone (+34) 686579725 or through IG @ahug_official.
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